If you’re using an AutoComplete, but want to control what data is shown in the SearchList as people type in the input file, how can this be done?
For example, if i have an input, autocomplete and a number of options like this:
And a subscribe method:
this.searchString.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => {
if (typeof value == 'string') {
} else {
if (value) {
That subscribe method then calls the filter method as follows, which is my attempt to limit the data shown, but it’s not working:
debug('value', value);
const where: any = {};
if (value) {
where.name = { ilike: `%${value.toLowerCase()}%` };
if ('Topic' == this.businessObjectName) {
debug('reading topics');
this.topics.setOption('where', where);
} else if ('Person' == this.businessObjectName) {
} else {
const userInterface = this.apexDesignerUserInterfacesService.currentUserInterface();
debug('userInterface', userInterface);
throw `The businessObjectName ${this.businessObjectName} is not handled in ${userInterface}, needs to be extended `;