The prefix "camunda" for attribute "camunda:versionTag" associated with an element type "bpmn:process" is not bound

When I added a new process in my app, when the app starts I see this error:

Problem deploying process “review-request.bpmn” ENGINE-09003 Could not parse ‘review-request.bpmn’. The prefix “camunda” for attribute “camunda:versionTag” associated with an element type “bpmn:process” is not bound.

It looks like one of the XML namespaces is missing.

Kyle and I are working on a fix for this. Should have something today.

As a temporary workaround, you can edit the generated BPMN file to add the missing XML namespace. Go to Files + Loopback + Processes and edit the file there. After the fix is deployed, you will just delete the static copy.

We found the root cause. When we are deploying a process, we add the camunda:versionTag attribute if it is not there in the XML. If the BPMN has some Camunda specific things in it (candidate groups or a service task for example), then the xml file has the xmlns at the top. A brand new process with just user tasks does not have any of that and fails on deployment. We will deploy a new version of the library that will address the issue shortly.

Before that, you can just add a service task or user task assignment and it will work fine.

Camunda 7 Library version 1.1.18 addresses this issue. The Vacation Request Sample template has also been updated.